Speech-Language Therapy

Speech and language pathology addresses a wide variety of communication and swallowing difficulties. Our speech-language pathologists, often referred to as speech-language therapists, are highly trained specialists who provide dynamic, functional, and evidence-based assessments and treatment plans.

Conditions and symptoms treated by speech-language pathologists often include, but are not limited to: aphasia; apraxia of speech (including childhood apraxia of speech); cognitive disorders associated with acquired brain injury, stroke, and dementia; craniofacial disorders (e.g., cleft lip and palate); developmental speech, language, and communication disorders (e.g., specific language disorder, speech-sound delay, articulation difficulties, fluency/stuttering, language, and auditory processing difficulties); dysarthria; mild dysphagia (swallowing difficulties); pediatric feeding; social communication; and voice disorders.

Treatment is tailored to each individual’s specific needs through assessment and collaboration between the clinician and the client. Our speech-language pathologists will work to address impairments and provide strategies to support impacted areas with the goal of maximizing functional outcomes and improving quality of life.

At The Integrated Clinic, Alexa Dell and Julie Shvarts provide speech-language therapy to youth, and Gopika Kamdar provides speech-language therapy to those across the lifespan.